Writing How-Tos

Effective ways to conclude an essay

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Author: Julia Stuart

How to conclude an essay effectively The concluding paragraph of an essay is the part which a reader will remember. For this reason, there is a lot of pressure on the writer. It is a chance to impress your reader, stress the importance of your thesis statement and create a sense of completeness. Let’s have a closer look at what is good for a great…

Say No to Speech Writing Suffers: Useful tips

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Publication Date:
Author: Kelly Higgins

What Make a Memorable Speech? Try to remember the most impressive public performances you have ever witnessed? Do you fully remember the words, the movements, dates and other data? Probably not all of it but you do remember the feeling you had after a speech or presentation: inspiration, joy, disturbance, compassion or even embarrassment.  Emotions are what play a vast role in the speech success….

How to write a winning outline for your work?

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Publication Date:
Author: Julia Stuart

Why Outline is Important? Imagine thread tangles. While reading a long chapter, passage or a research paper, a lot of ideas pop in the head and they are all tangled. Any experienced tailor would use beeswax to pull the thread through and protect the thread from twists and knots. The abundance of thoughts that occurs by the end of a chapter also needs some kind…

For a Successful Resume Guide – Come Over Here

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Publication Date:
Author: Ben Parker

How to Write a Working Resume? Reflecting on yourself turns out not to be that simple even for experienced writers. It may be hard to estimate the accomplishments and the work you’ve done for a stranger. Usually, it takes less than 30 seconds to scan a resume for the recruiter. Thus, there should be something catchy and attractive for him or her to pick you…

Tips On How To Write An Introduction

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Publication Date:
Author: Ben Parker

How to write a quality introduction The introduction is one of the essential parts of any piece of writing. Depending on the type of work, the introduction can take the form of one sentence or it can be written in several paragraphs. However, there is one thing that is unquestionable – this part of the story structure can define the success of your paper. The…