Why Having a Mentor in School Matters

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Author: Alice Miley

A Mentor for Each Student –Does it Matter?

Knowing that someone is walking right next to you along your way always gives a pleasant sense of reliability and confidence. Some student may not get this feeling of certainty and security form their parents to the full extent. Guiding a student through the studying process opens new opportunities in education and social connections both for teachers and children. Mentoring offers a great power of brining students to success and unlocking their potential, giving students the support they may need along their way to the goal.

These are the main ideas applied in the Summit Learning Program. Meeting a teacher mentor once a week builds new connections between a student and the teacher, allowing them get to know each other better and gain trust. That what makes a prosperous academic process for students and develops teacher’s psychological and social skills. Mentoring helps reaching every student directly and get to know deeply their fears, worries, struggles, aspirations and dreams. Thus teachers will know better what a student needs, lacks or what will be useful to do at that very moment.

Benefits for Students

  • Individual approach. Some student may have troubles with sticking to the plan or deciding on the short or long term goals. A mentor is out there to help set the goal and make a plan to reach it. In a class it is hard to pay enough attention to each student and give personal tips for better performing in academia. Mentorship gives extra time for students to share their planes and get necessary help for implementation.
  • Confidence and trust in the social relationship. Not all students are open and outgoing. Some may need more time to comfort themselves around other people. Mentoring is a great opportunity for a student to get to know a teacher better and get rid of the fear in front of a teacher. Thus, a child should find an elder friend that can be trusted and always ready to help and guide when it’s needed. Besides, the domestic relationships are also worth of taking into consideration. Children that may have some problems at home, should feel the support at school. Mentoring program will not let students get afraid of adults. It is meant to make children safe and ready to talk both about academic and social issues.
  • Rising Self-awareness.  Through direct conversations with teachers and personal goal determination, students get a chance to rethink their potential. One more mentors’ goal is to reveal students’ talents and strong points; decide what are the wick aspects and how can they be battled. In general, a mentor helps students look on their abilities and disabilities from a different perspective and encourage changing for better. The earlier a student gets a mentor, the easier it will be to help develop and prosper in the future.

Benefits for Teacher

  • Personal Approach. Mentorship gives an adequate and solid opportunity to find space for approaching every student. A better understanding of each student individually improves the academic process and improves the quality of education in general.  Steady learning process includes both emotional and social aspect along with the academic achievements. It is important for a teacher to gain trust from students and favor them emotionally towards his or her subject. It involves collaboration among the colleagues in order to take the best out of this experience to help the student.
  • Build the Sense of Purpose.  Not all student show great academic success and neither they want to study Math hard, if they are lacking behind, for example.  Though, these students may show great talent in sports or music. Teachers are building self-awareness in students and prove them that they are special and can get successful and joyful with any career choice they make.  A mentor has an opportunity to make each student feel included and engaged in class, extracurricular and social activities. Each student has some talent and aptitude for a type of activity, all is necessary – a good mentor, who can spot and develop it.
  • Correspond to the objective. The reasons most teachers enter education are the caring attitude towards the student future and love of spreading the knowledge. All diligent workers want to succeed, as well teachers want  reach their goal of cultivating a mentally healthy and prosperous young educated society; help each student reach his or her potential and wisely use it. This goal is much more feasible with the mentorship opportunity. Whatever academic records the student shows, he will feel included and ready to find his own pathway in the society due to the personal mentoring approach. The classroom will never be the same once each student will confer with a teacher in person.

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