Tips On How To Develop Your Book Proposal The Right Way

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Author: Kelly Higgins
How to sell your masterpiece with the use of powerful book proposal
“Publishing is a business. Writing may be art, but publishing, when all is said and done, come down to dollars.” Nicholas Sparks, one of the most beloved storytellers, definitely said the true words. If you want your great writings to be understood and recognized, you should know how to promote and publish your work. In the vast majority of cases, you just must have a well-written book proposal in hand before approaching a prospective publisher about your unique project. What you write in it will have a great deal to do with whether you are offered a contract or no. So, let`s learn how to write a book proposal that will impress your literary agent.
The structure of your book proposal
Your book proposal should be well-structured if you want your potential publisher to respect you for the content you produce and be willing to create the fruitful and long-lasting relationships with you. Here are the most essential components that your complete proposal should include:
- The idea of the book
It is very important to outline it in order to differentiate yourself from the available books on the market and ensure your agent that people will be eager to pay for your writings.
- A short abstract of your book
Write a short summary of your book that includes its main arguments and conclusions. Make it catchy and interesting to draw your the agent`s attention.
- The Table of Contents
Your table of contents should be like a map for your book. It has to show the layout of your book and tell the publisher what readers are going to find there. Don`t forget to add a chapter-by-chapter description.
- The title page
The title page usually contains the date, the author name, the working title, and the working subtitle. It is worth mentioning that the title of your book should convey as much as possible what is included in the content.
- The shape and format of your book
Estimate the length of the completed manuscript. You should also include an estimated number of figures, pictures, and diagrams if necessary.
- The description of the root problems
Clarify and describe the key problems and questions your book solves. Do your utmost to prove that your book really matters.
- A schedule for your book completion
The literary agent, who you sent your book proposal to, will need to know how long it will take you to complete your manuscript. Give a schedule that seems reasonable to you.
- Market research
It is useful to do some investigating before writing your book proposal. It will help you write a convincing brief note explaining the ways in which your book differs from what is already on the market. Include a list of books that will compete with yours.
- Author information
Include your current resume. Tell about your professional experience, evidence of commitment, and credentials. Mention whether you have a well-established website or speak at workshops and conferences.
- Sample chapters
Deliver at least two sample chapters of your book to make the agent sure that you will definitely send a publishable manuscript at a fixed time. Choose those ones that showcase your strongest writing and original thinking.
The presentation of your book proposal
Read through your book proposal several times concentrating first on sentence structure, then word choice, then spelling, and finally punctuation. It is also a good idea to invite somebody else to proofread your text after you have reviewed it. Your goal should be to make your book proposal meticulously written.
You should always remember that your book proposal is an important document that describes the purpose and the scope of a potential publication. That`s why it is so recommended to write it in the best possible way.
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